Monday, March 2, 2009

All my innocence

Am I the only one left in the world who dances around their house in the middle of the night?

I look bloody ridiculous! I am coloring my hair and the gloves really didn't really do the trick tonight! I have black color all over my hands. My face too. This should be interesting. I'm 2/0'ing it tonight! Followed by a renewing pomegranate mask to slough away the color stain. Oh baby, it burns! But in a good way. I should look very fresh and fabulous tomorrow. Oh how I envy those born with naturally dark hair. Speaking of... I got a Red Carpet Facial last week. Amazing! Google it, kids, it's by Kinara and it's amazing. I think I am pretty lucky to work where I work to get the perks. I really want my sis to get this facial. I'll have to see what I can work out.

I have the freaking hiccups again! All stinking day!

It snowed something crazy here on Saturday and I got to run around outside with Ash and the dog for about an hour and have a blast remembering what things were like in Mpls. I can't help it, I think I will always think of Mpls as home.

We have been really debating what to do with Ash for school. Her birthday of September 10th presents a problem. The cut-off date for public school is July 15th. So basically, if the state has their way, she will turn six two weeks into kindergarten. No way, momma don't play that way. This kid is too bright for that. She is bored already and if she starts school that late I can see lots of behavioral issues. So we've been checking into private schools, but even they have placement dates. We found one that we really like, Whitefield Academy. It's small, but very impressive. These kids start learning Latin in fifth grade! Every single child that graduates is in the 90th percentile nationwide. Honestly, I can't think of anything better to spend our money on! So Ash had her placement test there two weeks ago and I've literally had nightmares for a week that she didn't pass. I mean, if she doesn't get in here, we'll check out our second choice, St Thomas Moore, but it's a catholic school and we don't love that. So anyway, I got the call today that we're cleared to move on with the application process! She passed! As long as everything goes well, so can start kindergarten in the fall! I seriously teared up when I was listening to the voice mail. I didn't realize how much it meant to me until then. I was at work and Andi and Lily were staring at me like I was nuts. So know Brian and I have to interview with the headmaster. So Pray about that, because when it comes to traditional, conservative parents, we are less than. I mean, I think we do a great job, but do other people? We'll see :) I will, of course, keep you updated.

So we tried to go see Coraline tonight but that didn't work out so we ended up renting a couple of movies, a polar bear one for Ash and "My Name is Bruce" for us. Bruce Campbell's personal low-budget B movie just released. It totally lives up to everything a Bruce Campbell movie should. I highly recommend you all check out this straight-to-dvd fiasco of wondrous proportions

I think we may wait even longer than April to try to have another baby. I don't know, honestly, we've had a lot of bills come in recently that are pretty overwhelming. Nothing that we can't get under control soon, but still. I guess part of it is the hospital bill from the miscarriage and I think about the hospital bills from an actual birth and maybe we should have more money saved, be more on top of things. We're not bad, at all, but it's a fine line, you know? Part of me really wants a baby, part of me is terrified to get pregnant again. I've always said I don't want a big gap between Ash and the rest of my kids, that I don't want to be old when I have kids, but right now, I'm thinking the maybe waiting a year or two isn't such a bad idea. We are taking precautions right now, but not really great ones. I'll never get on birth control again, that's for sure. So anyway, maybe we'll just see what happens. Sometimes, we just try to plan too much.

I love my new tattoo and I want a hundred more.

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